We Help Independent Schools
Orchestrate Conversations
on Diversity

Our history

Twenty-five years ago, five educators walked into the NAIS People of Color Conference excited to work together on identifying the shared needs of educators of color. We were inspired by the strength and passions of our colleagues. Together, we shared experiences, goals, and dreams, and we left the conference hungry for more similar opportunities. But when we returned to our independent schools, we were often one of only a few educators that were looking for the same thing. That was when we realized that we needed to create something which was intended specifically for and by Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC).

SoCal POCIS is a one-of-a-kind organization. Providing seminars, workshops, and speakers we bring innovative educational ideas to our independent school communities. The dream of our vision was to be an organization where we could gather, share, and learn. After 25 years, I feel confident that this goal has been realized.

SoCal POCIS has established a consortium where BIPOC and white activist allies can join in diversity, equity, inclusivity, and justice (DEIJ) work learning, sharing, and networking with the focus of respect and civility for one another.      

Thank you for joining in our united effort to make our independent schools cultivate diversity, equity, inclusivity, and justice.

Olivia Brown, Founder & Executive Director Emerita


At SoCal POCIS we give professionals in education the resources to foster a more open, welcoming culture utilizing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) initiatives to create positive change and address unconscious bias.

We are a member-driven non-profit organization, composed of thought leaders and educators for independent schools in Southern California.

We execute our mission by providing member schools with:

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion workshops and speaker events
  • Networking opportunities amongst independent school administrators and educators
  • Jobs board to attract and recruit diverse talent
  • Diverse curriculum recommendations for BIPOC students, parents, and faculty

Lack of diversity and unconscious bias training can be a barrier to recruitment and retention on independent campuses. As an affinity organization we provide networking opportunities and community building to the administration and leadership of independent schools.

We help provide access to educators to understand what’s required to act, maintain, and build DEI at independent schools. We are passionate about making learning environments more diverse, equitable and inclusive spaces for employees, students, and administrators by providing resources, tools, and networks to help advance change in curriculum development for BIPOC students, parents, and faculty.


Contact us: info@socalpocis.org or PO Box 2341, Culver City, CA 90231

become a Member School

We Build Better Allys On
Independent Campuses

SoCal POCIS gauges the needs of our independent school members and we assess best practices for fulfilling them.  We use this information and the latest pedagogical research to advance our educational programs, seminars, and conferences.

Our ever present goal is to present innovative approaches and advance recommendations from thought-leaders furthering diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice to our member schools.

We Provide A Framework of
Solidarity to Promote
Inclusive Learning

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